Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Formal introduction

It has taken me over 3 hours to get this Blogger template settled into my new home on the internet.

I have always disliked Blogger for good reason.

Their templates are a huge hassle to code! Granted, I have never tried creating a Blogger theme before, but the thought of coding one is as mind wrenching as my attempts have been to code a Livejournal layout (which by the way, I would much rather design for LJ over Blogger!).

So what of this place? It has been over 3 years since I legitimately opened a blog. My recent tumblr page has been deemed a success -- it will be two years on January 2013! I'm hoping the same trend can carry on with this seed ... please sprout to wonderful things amuese.blogspot.com!. In fact, I'm so sure that will be ... it's 2:00AM and I cannot sleep because of this!

My plans for this blog will be to document a time in my life when I wanted to ride the photography / fashion / music / life blog wave of my early twenties.

I aspire to take beautiful photos of hidden gems. By that, I'm referring to human subjects that frankly speaking, don't stand out. These people could be plain, average, unattractive. I want to find the beauty in what others do not see, capture a moment of confidence through a photo. My goal is to learn enough photography techniques and applying them to those photoshoots. It has been my dream since being inspired by zemotion. This blog will hopefully document my journey, and introduce you to some interesting characters along the way!

Relating very closely with photography is fashion. Let me formally admit, I may have been a late bloomer. But I have always been stubborn and more often than not, blindsided by my ego. I am 2NE1 (excuse the pun, they have a new song out to make them relevant again) and it's becoming more and more difficult for me to find a style I am comfortable with. Since my family works in textiles and apparel manufacturing, I have experienced first hand the grunt work required to produce clothing for our backs). Having piqued an interest in fashion bloggers recently, I would like to get my feet wet in this too. Not going to lie, it sounds like loads of fun!

I currently eat, sleep and breathe K-pop. Once upon a time in high school, it was Visual Kei. Times are a changing. Again, what a great way to use this blog as an outlet to rant, review and rave (over my biases of course!). But then again, I do have a tumblr for a reason. So let's hope my discussions are more constructive on Blogger if anything. I am a huge fan of this fellow, resident writer for Asian Junkie. During first year university, I had clung onto various western gossip websites, reading threads on Livejournal not only to catch up on news, but to improve my writing and inspire me to have an opinion (but mostly it was to steal starky comments for my personal encyclopedia). The folks at Asian Junkie have reignited my once bad habit. This time though, I am riding the Hallyu wave.

A blog post that was drafted at 2:00 is now concluding at 2:25. This definitely will take some getting used to. I can't believe I spent so long typing this up :<

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